Just now talking with a friend on skype, I had a moment of inspiration and since these don't come too often, I'll blog about it.
I explained to my friend: now that I have a blog, I no longer have imaginary conversations in my head, now I have conversation with my imaginary readers. So instead of crazy, I'm now cool and trendy.
Damn, i thought it sounded nice and smart when I wrote it to her, but now that I'm trying to figure how to go on with the posting, I'm realizing it's not that interesting and worse, not very true.
1. I still have imaginary conversations in my head, of course.
Pretty much everyday I can come up with different moments and situations in which my ex asks me to go back to him and be happy again. Don't be sad for me yet, dear reader, in my mind I'm starting to have seconds thoughts about whether this would be good for anyone... so I'm progressing towards the light in the end of the tunnel.
2. Talking to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy, just that I'm through and prepared!
If you imagine everything in ur mind first, you are ready when things happens.... though it sets place for disappointment when things don't happen or happen but not how you want them to... also, no suprises if you are ready for everything...
Crap...this posting sucks... a case of imaginary inspiration, i guess.
hey, you are not the only one. I have conversations in my head as well. maybe it runs in the family... anyway, we can be both crazy together. :D
ReplyDeleteyou´re cool, babe
Na boua...
Toh amando seus textos. Quando eu leio, parece que eu toh te escutando e que a gente tah num daqueles encontros-refeição que a gente faz qd vc nos visita.
Fica a Dica: de repente os leitores imaginários são tão marotinhos que escapolem pra dentro do juízo da gente e dão um jeito de fingir que na verdade é a gente falando com a gente mesmo.
Especulações à parte, acho muito saudável manter conversações internas regulares. Nada pior do que uma relação sem DR :P
Quero mais posts!!!
carol falcão, just in case u don´t know who is really talking to u :P
Lendo meu comment, percebi quanto cabimento eu dô pra mim mesma qnquanto elocubro...