Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ex-sighting... exciting?!

Ah, the awesomeness of having a blog!

Just a few minutes back I met my ex at the aditeria and instead of boring one of my girlfriends to death with yet another sighting of him (and hey, there are usually plenty as we work at the same place), I can simply write about it and if you've chosen to read the posting, that's your own fault!

Damn, he looked so nice...as usual.

I was there for a meeting with two colleagues and immediately saw him when he got through the side door. He was with his boss, i guess having a meeting too. His boss stopped to get a coffee and the table I was at was the first one after the coffee machine. He must had already seen me, so even though he had his back to the table, he eventually turned to say hi. And then he turned his back again and that was it.

He sat somewhat behind me (some 3 or 4 tables back) and boy, it was hard to resist taking a look back...
I kinda wish I had taken a look cause he was really looking nice (and i miss just being able to look at him for as long as i want) but he was sitting facing my way so for sure I would had been busted. And that would had been awkward... well, that is assuming he'd actually bother looking at me, which he probably didn't.

Anyway, Lisa said I was looking very nice today during our ride to work in the morning, so that's definetely a plus! :) Let's see what lunch brings...maybe we will meet again.

P.S.: Yes, I am fully aware that this is not a positive and constructive attitude and meeting him won't change anything. But is it really too wrong to hope that seeing me looking fabulous will make him regret - at least a little - dumping me?!

1 comment:

  1. loved the title!
    ps: since he was stupid enought to let go of you, a smarter guy will, for sure, see how fabulous you are!( I wanted to say he must regret a least a little bit, but I don't want to put your hopes up! ok, I said it. But really, if he has any brains left, he will try to make it up for you. but, you shouldn't be counting on that. quite the opposite, keep trying to move on and if someday he makes a move you can be the difficult one by saying "oh, let me think about it. no, I don't think it will work for me"). ok, that was the dumbest adivice I've given. just keep doing what you're doing, relearning how to live your life without him. I wish I could help, Pamis!
    don't forget your song: "ONLY YOOOU". You rock!
